During your stay in Monarque Costa Narejos Hotel you can count on all the services available in order to make your holidays an unforgettable experience. Amongst others you will find parking, 24 hours reception as well as a spacious coffee shop with views to the pool. Here you will find the and a big restaurant-buffet with a variety of plates for every preference. You will also find a gym with every type of machines and nursery for the children during summer months. Does it sound good? Discover in depth every one of our services
With capacity for 70 places you will keep your car safe. The parking is free throughout the year, with exceptions between the period of 15th of june to 15th of september (Please contact us for the price this time of the year).
Through a swivel door you enter the hall and the reception, attended the 24 hours by our staff specially selected to give you a friendly welcome. Also, you will find a sitting room with comfortable seats and a television. Additionally, we have another place with more tropical vibes where you can seat close to the windows and oversee the pool area. It is a perfect spot to read the magazines in the morning and visit the gift shop where you can find custom made jewelry, handbags, wallets, complements and the panoramic lifts.
The coffee shop is spacious and it has pool views, here you can find tapas, hot sandwiches and a lot of drinks. It has a stage for the show and activities at night time.
The kids pool is designed with the children´s security in mind. Its depth is no more than 40 cm and situated apart of the adults pool by a steel and crystal fence. The adults pool has a jacuzzi and two “swan neck” with water jets to refresh after a beach day.
Consist of a buffet with hot and cold food as well as a dessert station, with capacity for 350 people.
The hotel has a mini club for kids from three years old and upwards. It is located in the hall and open during the summer months.
The hotel has three salons with capacity for 70, 100 and 200 people to do seminars, congresses and all different types of meetings. All the salons have Wifi available, screens etc.